Convertisseur d'unités de volume

Visual Representation
From Unit To Unit

Volume Conversion

What is Volume Conversion?

Volume conversion is the process of changing a volume measurement from one unit to another. This is crucial in various fields, including physics, engineering, cooking, and everyday life.

Volume Conversion Formula

The general formula for converting volume from one unit to another is:

\[Volume_{new} = Volume_{original} \times \frac{Factor_{original}}{Factor_{new}}\]


  • \(Volume_{new}\) is the volume in the new unit
  • \(Volume_{original}\) is the original volume value
  • \(Factor_{original}\) is the conversion factor for the original unit to cubic meters
  • \(Factor_{new}\) is the conversion factor for the new unit to cubic meters

Calculation Steps

  1. Identify the original volume value and its unit.
  2. Determine the desired unit for conversion.
  3. Look up the conversion factors for both units to cubic meters.
  4. Apply the conversion formula.
  5. Calculate the result and round to the desired precision.

Example Calculation

Let's convert 1 acre foot to acre foot [US survey]:

  1. Original volume: 1 acre foot
  2. Desired unit: acre foot [US survey]
  3. Conversion factors:
    • 1 acre foot = 1233.48183754752 cubic meters
    • 1 acre foot [US survey] = 1233.489 cubic meters
  4. Apply the formula: \[Volume_{acre foot [US survey]} = 1 \times \frac{1233.48183754752}{1233.489} = 0.999994\]
  5. Result: 1 acre foot ≈ 0.9999940 acre foot [US survey] (rounded to 7 decimal places)

Visual Representation

1 acre foot 0.9999940 acre foot [US survey]

This diagram illustrates the relationship between 1 acre foot and 0.9999940 acre foot [US survey], showing their relative volumes.