Imagine you have a big box of toys (let's call it Set B) and a smaller box of toys (Set A). If all the toys in the smaller box are also in the big box, we say that Set A is a subset of Set B. It's like the smaller box fits completely inside the bigger box!
To check if Set A is a subset of Set B, we need to make sure that every single toy (or element) in Set A is also in Set B. It's like checking off a list to make sure nothing is missing!
We can write the subset relationship like this:
\[ A \subseteq B \iff \forall x (x \in A \implies x \in B) \]
Let's say we have two sets of animals:
Set A = {cat, dog}
Set B = {cat, dog, fish, bird}
To check if A is a subset of B, we look at each animal in Set A:
Since all animals in Set A are also in Set B, we can say that A is a subset of B!
We can show this with a picture:
In this picture, the red circle (Set A) is completely inside the blue circle (Set B), showing that A is a subset of B!
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