The Bernoulli Inequality is like a special rule in math. It tells us that when we add 1 to a number and then raise it to a power, the result is always bigger than (or equal to) just adding that power times the number to 1. It's a bit like saying that compound interest grows faster than simple interest!
To check if the Bernoulli Inequality is true, we compare two sides of an equation. On one side, we add 1 to a number and raise it to a power. On the other side, we multiply that number by the power and add 1. If the first side is bigger or equal, the inequality holds true!
The Bernoulli Inequality states that for any real number \(x > -1\) and any integer \(r \geq 0\):
\[ (1 + x)^r \geq 1 + rx \]
Let's try with \(x = 0.5\) and \(r = 2\)
This graph shows \((1+x)^r\) in blue and \(1+rx\) in red. The blue curve is always above or touching the red line, illustrating the Bernoulli Inequality.
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